On September 4-5, 2024, Kinshasa hosted the DRC Social Innovation Summit at the Pullman Hotel, bringing together representatives from the AJAN network across 17 countries.

Under the theme "Amplifying Voices: Youth and Women Innovating for People-Driven Development in Africa," the summit provided a platform to explore the role of youth and women in driving innovation for population-centered development across the continent.

Focus on Youth and Women-Led Social Innovation

The summit aimed to address the challenges and opportunities related to youth and women’s contributions to social innovation in Africa. Key topics included:

1. Innovative Interventions: Exploring systemic thinking and practical solutions for community-based development, with a focus on local resources and talents.

2. Amplifying Voices: Strategies to elevate the contributions of youth and women in shaping Africa's future through social innovation.

3. Population-Centered Development: How innovation can transform communities by focusing on the needs and resources of local populations.

Official Opening by the Minister of Youth

The event was officially opened by Ms. Noella Ayeganagato Nakwipon, the DRC’s Minister of Youth and Patriotic Awakening. In her opening remarks, Ms. Nakwipon shared her vision for empowering Congolese youth in partnership with international companies, emphasizing the importance of integrating young people into global markets.

After her address, Ms. Nakwipon toured the exhibition stands, where young innovators had the chance to display their businesses and products. The exhibition provided an opportunity for youth entrepreneurs to showcase their innovations and demonstrate their ability to represent the Democratic Republic of Congo on the international stage.

Summit Objectives and Outcomes

Symphorien Pyana, Chief Executive of AgroMwinda and organizer of the summit, outlined several key goals for the two-day event:

1. Promoting Population-Oriented Development: Raising awareness of the African demographic dividend and the importance of leveraging population-centered approaches to development.

2. Building Networks: Establishing a database of emerging social innovations and fostering collaboration among women and youth in the DRC, Africa, and beyond.

3. Creating a Dynamic Ecosystem: Strengthening the ecosystem for young and female social innovators, enhancing opportunities for growth and collaboration.

4. Encouraging Funding and Partnerships: Facilitating connections among participants to create more funding and partnership opportunities for youth- and women-led initiatives.

A Path Towards Inclusive Development

By focusing on youth and women, the DRC Social Innovation Summit charted a path towards more inclusive development in Africa. The event sparked new ideas, strengthened networks, and provided innovators with the resources and connections they needed to thrive. As the summit concluded, participants developed actionable strategies for empowering the next generation of African leaders.

For ongoing updates and coverage of AJAN activities see the AJAN News website {HERE}.