In a solemn Mass held in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis officially opened the second session of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, urging the Church to embrace a spirit of openness, dialogue, and unity.

His homily, delivered during the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, centered around three powerful images: "voice, refuge, and a child."

Listening to God's Voice

Reflecting on the feast day, Pope Francis recalled God’s command to “listen to the voice of the Angel” He had sent, emphasizing the importance of attentiveness to God's voice in guiding the Church's synodal journey. "The Lord places in our hands the history, dreams, and hopes of a great people," he said, referring to the global Church. He invited participants to seek the path God desires for His people, encouraging an openness to hear God's guidance through the contributions of everyone.

“The more we are able to listen, the better we will understand the path we must follow,” the Pope stated, highlighting the need for hearts open to dialogue and discernment, essential for removing obstacles and fostering harmony inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Creating a Refuge for All

Pope Francis also invoked the image of "refuge," drawing on the protective wings of the guardian angel as a symbol of God's care for humanity. This protection, he said, should serve as a model for the Church. He encouraged the faithful to create a welcoming environment where all feel embraced, respected, and valued.

“The more we realize we are surrounded by friends who love and appreciate us,” the Pope said, “the more we will feel free to express ourselves openly.” This sense of belonging and safety, he added, is vital for genuine dialogue and community within the Church.

Embracing Childlike Humility

The final image in Pope Francis' homily was that of a child, referencing the moment when Jesus placed a child before His disciples, urging them to become as humble as the little one. “The paradox that the greatest in heaven is the one who becomes small, like a child, is fundamental for us,” the Pope remarked. Despite the Synod addressing significant and weighty issues, he reminded attendees not to lose sight of the childlike simplicity and humility that Jesus exemplified.

Guided by the Spirit

Concluding his message, Pope Francis called on the Church to continue its journey with an outward focus, proclaiming the joy of the Gospel in service to humanity. “Brothers and sisters, let us resume this ecclesial journey with an eye to the world, for the Christian community is always at the service of humanity.”

In a final call for peace, the Pope announced his intention to lead the Rosary on Sunday, imploring the Virgin Mary for the gift of peace. He also declared October 7th as a day of prayer and fasting for peace, encouraging the faithful to continue their synodal journey while being “guided by the breeze of the Spirit.”

Pope Francis' message sets the tone for the ongoing Synod, as the Church seeks to foster unity and discern its mission in a complex and ever-changing world.

Article Adapted from Vatican News

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