Dear Companions and Collaborators in the Mission of Christ,

A year has gone by so quickly! Today marks one year since I was welcomed to Africama House in a fraternal and colourful ceremony as the President of JCAM.

In this inaugural year, I have been blessed with the grace to feel captivated by the God of surprises consistently. As I discovered the Conference of Africa and Madagascar, I noticed similarities with the life of Saint Ignatius. When he was unable to travel across Europe due to his new responsibilities, he became a "pilgrim" for the new Society by experiencing the world through the eyes of his companions who were sent to the four corners of the planet. I have been immersed in the struggles of companions as they face multiple complex challenges, yet I find fulfillment in the friendships and shared brotherhood. Our collective engagement and sharing of joys and sorrows help us build lasting bonds.

On this feast day of Saint Ignatius, I express my heartfelt gratitude for your dedication to the mission of Our Lord. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey. Let Ignatius' inability to find solace in mind and heart when faced with unimaginable challenges inspire you. Indeed, challenged by current events of violence and suffering, torn by the tensions inherent in our Jesuit and Ignatian identity, we are called to never tire of seeking God in all things with hope.

In the words of the writer Ruth Renkle, we can express a typically Ignatian optimism on the morning of the new apostolic year: “Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s light shining somewhere nearby. » May our hope spark our creativity and lead us to bring our humble light into today's changing world.

Happy Saint Ignatius Day!

Yours in Christ’s mission,

Fr. José Minaku, SJ

President | Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM)