On July 31st, the community of Renk came together to celebrate Ignatian Day, a momentous occasion commemorating both the solemn feast of the Society of Jesus and the 468th anniversary of St. Ignatius's entrance into eternal life. The day began with a Holy Eucharist celebration at Christ the King Parish, setting a reverent tone for the festivities.

In the evening, a small gathering was held at the parish rectory. This intimate assembly included the parish priest, JRS staff, Comboni sisters, altar servers, and representatives from various humanitarian agencies. During this gathering, a brief history of St. Ignatius and the Jesuits was shared. For many, it was their first introduction to St. Ignatius and the Jesuit tradition. One Comboni sister enthusiastically recounted her formation influenced by the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and the Jesuits' significant contributions to education and spirituality. She fondly remembered her encounters with Jesuits and their apostolates in Egypt, highlighting their profound impact.

Multiplication Miracles in Maban

Reflecting on the recent Gospel reading of Jesus' miracle of multiplying five loaves and two fish, the community of the Dagaji outstation experienced a practical embodiment of this miracle. Abuna Meela, a local priest, led the congregation in planting sorghum, emphasizing the importance of agricultural self-sufficiency. He urged the community to take full advantage of the rainy season for planting. However, the primary challenge remains the lack of seeds, leaving families with little to sustain them after the rainy season.

The Educational Crisis for Refugee Children in South Sudan

The impact of the ongoing war in Sudan extends beyond its borders, deeply affecting the lives of children who have sought refuge in neighboring South Sudan. Among the most vulnerable are the refugee children in Renk, who face significant challenges in accessing education. The war has disrupted their lives, leaving many in transit centers for over a year with little hope of attending school.

Jesuit Refugee Service A class at Renk 3 primary school

As of July, there are 2,987 male and 3,094 female refugee and returnee children below the age of 17 in the transit centers and surrounding areas of Renk. This population includes both those displaced by the war and those returning to their homeland. The educational infrastructure in Renk is severely lacking, with no tertiary institutions and schools struggling with inadequate facilities. Classrooms are overcrowded, desks are in short supply, and the conditions are further worsened by the rainy season, leaving students without adequate places to sit during lessons.

The shortage of skilled teachers is another critical issue, with many educators receiving minimal incentives from NGOs, which are insufficient to meet their needs given the high cost of living. Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) supports three schools in the area by paying incentives to teachers. However, the schools are in poor condition, and the ongoing rainy season has exacerbated the situation.

Recently, an assessment was conducted to evaluate the state of the schools, particularly Chum Alyn Primary School, which highlighted the urgent need for improved facilities. The assessment revealed collapsed latrines and children studying under inadequate conditions. The Presbyterian Primary School’s head teacher showed the dire state of the facilities, emphasizing the need for immediate intervention.

Jesuit Refugee Service Scholastic Nicodemus SJ doing an assessment on the state of the classes in Chum Alyn
Primary school.

A Call to Action

The community of Renk continues to face significant challenges, from celebrating important cultural and religious traditions to addressing critical needs in education and agriculture. The spirit of St. Ignatius and the teachings of the Jesuits provide a foundation of hope and solidarity. However, there is a pressing need for support from well-wishers and humanitarian agencies to ensure that these vulnerable communities receive the necessary resources to thrive.

Through continued collaboration and a commitment to justice and humanity, the people of Renk can look forward to a future where education and self-sufficiency become attainable goals for all, embodying the true spirit of Ignatian solidarity.

Media contacts:

JRS Eastern and Western Africa

Sudan Conflict Crisis Group

You can reach us at sccg@jrs.net


You can contact us also at jrsearcomms@jrs.net for Eastern Africa Region and to waf.comms@jrs.net for Western Africa Region.

Find out how JRS is supporting refugees from Sudan by clicking {Here}. Thank you for your continued support.