For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission
Synodality in Africa: Practical Suggestions for Facilitating and Conducting Discussion, Consultation, and Dialogue in Local Churches
… Synodality “is not about gathering opinions … but it is about listening to the Holy Spirit” (Pope Francis)
The African Synodality Initiative (ASI) invites you to our first Zoom webinar on synodality. As part of the Diocesan Synodal Phase, this discussion is intended to assist and support people who hold roles of responsibility within the Christian community, in particular Priests, Deacons, Religious Women and Men, and Lay Faithful of Local Churches. The two presenters will offer practical suggestions to enable them to facilitate the process of “journeying together,” listening to the Spirit and to one another, and engaging in dialogue and consultation.
Join us in this first discussion with Sr. Dr. Josée Ngalula and Fr. Dr. Marcel Uwineza on how to hold fruitful group discussions on Synodality in dioceses, parishes, and Small Christian Communities. The discussion will be moderated by Fr. Andrew Kaufa.
Sr. Dr. Josée Ngalula, RSA, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is the first African woman to be appointed to the Vatican International Theological Commission, which examines doctrinal questions of major importance. She is a member of the Sisters of Saint Andrew and teaches in several theological institutes in Africa, including the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Congo, DRC, and the Al Mowafaqa Ecumenical Institute in Rabat, Morocco.
Fr. Marcel Uwineza SJ, PhD is a Jesuit priest from Rwanda. He teaches Systematic Theology at Hekima University College in Nairobi, Kenya. He also serves as the Formation Assistant of the Jesuits Rwanda-Burundi Region. He has done pastoral ministry in Kigali, including supporting the education of poor children through the Misericordia Project. He has two upcoming books to be published in 2022: Reconciling Memories: A Theology from Wounds and Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda.
Rev. Fr. Andrew Kaufa, SMM, is a member of the Society of Montfort Missionaries. He is the Coordinator of the Social Communications Department of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA).
The discussion will be available in English and French.
To register for the WEBINAR follow this {link} or click on the poster below!
The African Synodality Initiative is a partnership between the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) and the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA)
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